Biomechanical Analysis of Overhand Pitching Motion in Professional Baseball Players

Author Details

Won-Ho Choi,Young-Seok Kang, Yun-A Shin

Journal Details


Published: 25 April 2019 | Article Type :


The purpose of this research is to analyze pitching motions of professional and college baseball players kinetically and to investigate the differences through the scientific method for the performance of the pitching motion, so that it can suggest and right pitching motions and provide the effective pitching motions to improve athletic performance and to prevent injury. It is considered to be effective that players should  shorten the required time by minimizing their motions and securing for fast and correct pitching. Important to minimize the right and left motions when those are divided into a section of accumulating quantity of motion and generating power to secure stable body effectively. Thought that at the moment of pitching  motion, smoothly move when the supporting leg should bend the knee and ankle joints using the gastrocnemius and the leg pushing ahead should control the body rapidly moving to the direction of progress in the lower limbs using the straight muscle of thigh and the anterior tibial muscle and should maintain the bent knee joint by biceps femor is to the hilt. In addition, the most advisable pitching motion is  judged to pitch a ball by maximizing the turning force gained from the proximal segment in the distal segment through flexure and extension of the shoulder, elbow and carpal joints to effectively use the strong  turning force based on the stable center of gravity.

Keywords: Biomechanical, Pitching, Professional baseball players.

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How to Cite


Won-Ho Choi,Young-Seok Kang, Yun-A Shin. (2019-04-25). "Biomechanical Analysis of Overhand Pitching Motion in Professional Baseball Players." *Volume 1*, 2, 8-12